Sealants Preventive Dentistry
Ferguson Dental Associates
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The first adult teeth to erupt in your child's mouth are often their first molars. Aptly dubbed the "6 year molars,” these teeth usually appear around age 6.

These molar teeth are often characterized by deep grooves and pits that are susceptible to getting food, small particles and bacteria stuck on their surfaces.

To help protect these teeth from decay, dental sealants can be placed shortly after these teeth erupt into the mouth.

A dental sealant is a glass ionomer resin that bonds to the deep grooves on teeth, leaving the chewing surface smoother and easier to keep free of food debris and plaque.

Sealants are a great preventative measure against tooth decay. They typically last 3-5 years, and can be reapplied if necessary.

Sealants are normally placed by your child's hygienist, following a dental cleaning and exam.

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